sábado, 3 de novembro de 2007

To Mr. Tony Parsons, Daily Mirror

Foi-me enviado um email sobre um artigo, escrito pelo senhor Tony Parsons, atacando o Embaixador Português no Reino Unido sobre as suas declarações acerca do caso Maddie. Como o conteúdo do artigo é de um teor xenófobo e quasi-Hitleriano, achei por bem dar um puxão de orelhas ao maroto do Tony...

Artigo em Questão

Segue pois a minha resposta, entretanto enviada por mail para feedback@mirror.co.uk

Dear Mr Parsons,

Your article was brought to my attention through some friends over at a local forum. Upon glancing at it, I must confess the title left me quite apalled:
"Señor" is in fact Spanish for "Mister", rather than Portuguese... Even if your knowledge of foreign affairs comes exclusively from the Señor Wences show, that is no excuse to ignore basic journalism: Check your facts before you look like an ass!
However I'm glad I didn't dismiss you for a fool on the spot, but instead went on to read the article. Little did I know that a single "sardine-munching" mouth could utter such filth.
Keeping it simple (your mind doesn't seem to be able to take in too much at a time), let's break down the article.

1. "The Cruel Portuguese Police"

(First, as a sidenote that applies to mostly everything in this article, you should note that adjectivation doesn't induce reason. By calling the police "pigs" or classifying the comments as "asinine" you only manage to make yourself look like a drunken fool. Thank you for that though, you did a pretty good job in discrediting your article without anyone else needing to make remarks!)

But where were we? Ah, the police... So, if I understood correctly, the british police would have immediately found the child? If so, why didn't the British inspectors who were present during the entire investigation step in and point the whereabouts of young Maddie? One would think that such capable gentlemen would be able to "herd the portuguese animals" into their respective pigsties, no?

2. "The Poisonous Portuguese Media"

The McCanns wanted media attention from the first second. Who could blame them, they wanted to spread the word that their child was missing! However, Media attention isn't something you ask for when the timing suits you, and you then shake off when the shit hits the fan. (I would apologize for the language, but you seem to enjoy these little nuances) This so-called "poisonous trash" that the portuguese media reported was, in fact, the current state of an investigation to find Maddie - which the british media seem to have forgotten was ongoing when they, for example, decided to mess with searches by hiring dogs and going out in search of a body themselves.

3. "Alien Public"

Here, once again, we appear to have different perspectives on the case. See, all this time I was under the impression that what was important here was the little girl that went missing. However you seem to not give a damn about her, but instead focus on her parents. Her parents who, according to police findings, are suspects and could be responsible for this whole thing in the first place. Ah no, wait, they ARE responsible. They left a three-year-old girl alone in the room with her two younger brothers, when the hotel's babysitter was available at their request. I'm sure they believed Maddie mature enough to be changing diapers and putting the twins to bed - Boy, you brits sure do grow up fast!

4. "Sardine-loving Ambassador"

Let me try to understand... The man explains that there are cultural differences between our two countries, and he's automatically deemed an idiot? Yes, Kate and Gerry's lives have been wrecked, whatever the truth behind Maddie's disappearance is. But we in Portugal have this weird concept of RESPONSIBILITY. They were negligent and their little girl is missing because of that. They don't come first, their children do! As such, they SHOULD be blamed for Maddie's disappearance, they SHOULD be investigated over it, and there SHOULD be someone that takes into consideration the twins' best interests and wonders if they lie with Kate and Gerry, or elsewhere, where those responsible for them won't leave them alone in an apartment. The ambassador tried to explain that such a thing happened due to cultural differences, and you attacked him. I believe his Sardine-munching mouth did far more for the case than your Filth-Vomiting mouth will ever do for the world.

Oh, and at the risk of plagiarism:

I would respectfully suggest that in the future, if you can't say something constructive about the disappearance of little Madeleine, then you just keep your stupid mouth shut.

Best wishes and a great day to you sir

Pedro Coelho

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Ainda estou a aplaudir...
De facto ha com cada um...
Fizeste muito bem em responder!